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Writing has always given me joy.  In second grade I wrote a 10 page paper about a Clownfish.  When we had to do papers in school, I enjoyed them. 

Today I found a book that I wrote in first grade, and I thought I would share it with you 😊

It’s called “The Teddy Bear and the Jack-In-The-Box” and it goes like this:

Once upon a time there was a teddy bear and a jack-in-the-box.  They were best friends and they liked to play together.

Sometimes they didn’t want to play together.

One day they both didn’t want to play with each other.  They both wanted to play with the new toy, but not together with the new toy.

So they started fighting and their mom came in and said, “Stop fighting and you’ll get a lollipop!”

But they didn’t stop fighting, so then she said, “If you stop fighting, you’ll get a lollipop and two ice cream cones.”

But they still didn’t stop fighting.  So she said, “Stop fighting or else you’ll get a spanking!”

So they stopped fighting and they got a lollipop and two ice cream cones.

And their mom got them each a new toy to play with.

The end.

They typed it up and laminated the cover and bound it, and I illustrated it.  It’s my very first book.  <3

It’s really important to find something you enjoy and that makes you feel proud when you have a mental illness.  There are lots of days when you feel like a complete loser.  That you can’t do anything that “normal” people do.  That you’ll never get to achieve your dreams because there is too much in the way.

But I can be a writer.  Even on my worst days I can write.  And I’m so glad for that.  I hope you can find something that makes you feel good, too.  Liz

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1 Comment

Jen C
Jan 15

That's adorable, Liz!

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